When customers are spotted wearing their spectacular lenses, igniting conversations brimming with excitement and shared admiration, they can seize the moment by capturing it with a photo together.
This delightful snapshot immortalizes their connection and spreads the love for stylish eyewear.

This special interaction not only creates a lasting memory but also rewards both the referrer and the referee. Share that snapshot in-store or on social media to receive $25 store credit towards your next eyewear purchase or personal consultation.

Embrace the power of connections, stylish eyewear, and personalized consultations!

Step 1:

Clients wearing remarkable eyewear are spotted sparking conversations filled with excitement and shared admiration.


Step 2:


A photo is taken to immortalize the moment and love for stylish eyewear.

Step 3:

Capture the moment and unlock store credit rewards! Show off your stylish eyewear by sharing the referral photo in-store or on social media.

You'll receive $25 of store credit for sharing the love of Spectacle Society.

Share & Earn

Join us in spreading the word and enjoy the rewards!
#SPECshare @spectaclesocietydetroit